Want to Migrate Wix to WordPress? Here Is How!
Through this tutorial, you will know the process of migrating Wix to WordPress step by step. Previously you have created a website on Wix. However, as traffic increases, space and storage capacity for Wix starts to exceed the limit. One way to overcome this problem is to move your website from Wix to WordPress. Thus, you can control and manage the website without difficulty.
Here are the basic steps you should pay attention when migrating Wix to WordPress:
1. Create an account on WordPress and get a domain name.
2. Setup your new WordPress site.
3. Import blog posts from Wix via RSS.
4. Create a Wix page on WordPress.
5. Add images on WordPress.
6. Switch the Wix site to WordPress.
7. The last step, check the website as a whole.
Next, we will discuss the migration process in depth so that you can easily and quickly transfer websites.
Preparing for Conversion Migrate Wix to WordPress
When you want to move Wix to WordPress, the first thing you have to do is prepare a new WordPress site for conversion.The duration of the conversion process depends on how large the site you create on Wix, whether SEO settings are currently needed or not, and whether you know and understand WordPress well. If you are still a beginner, read this WordPress tutorial which covers everything from beginning to end.
Here are two ways you must do before migrating Wix to WordPress.
1. Buy New Hosting
Wix offers a bundling hosting package. Therefore, if you want to move a site from Wix, then you need a new hosting to connect the website. In addition to hositng, you also have to buy a domain name or change the domain name that you created on Wix (if you have previously purchased a domain name on Wix).If you are looking for reliable hosting but can also be managed easily by beginners, then WordPress hosting from Hostinger is the solution. In addition, you will also get a free domain name if you buy a hosting package with a duration of 12 months or more, or even a tool to transfer a domain that has been purchased on Wix!
2. Setup a WordPress Site
After getting WordPress hosting and having a domain name that leads to a new site, the next step is to create a new home for your website. Follow the steps below to install WordPress and create a website:2.1. Install WordPress
Installing WordPress is very dependent on the hosting provider that you are currently using.The easiest way to install WordPress is to use the 1-click installer. At Hostinger, this tool can be found in the hosting control panel.
Let's just say you have successfully installed WordPress and entered the dashboard so you can now access the backend of the site. The URL will be like this hhtp "// yoursite.com/wp-admin.
2.2. Setup Your Site
Login to the admin area and enter the WordPress dashboard.Before the customization process starts, change a few settings first.
Open Settings> Permalinks and select the ‘Post name option. Your URL structure will be changed so that it can be more readable and easier to search for in search engines.
Next, set the site's name and tagline. Open Settings> General.
In the screenshot above, there are two columns, namely Site Title and Tagline. Change the two columns with your site's current name and tagline.
By changing these two columns, you can already begin to manage the site.
2.3. Manage Your Site
You can manage the site, for example changing views, through themes and plugins.There are a variety of free WordPress themes that you can directly install through the WordPress dashboard. Open Appearance> Themes> Add New.
Besides free themes, you can also install paid themes. Usually paid themes have better quality and offer a large selection of features and customizations.
Here are paid theme sites that you can choose from:
* ThemeForest
* Studiopress
* Elegant Themes
* WordPress Premium Theme Directory
Most likely you can get a theme that is almost the same as the theme that you have used before on the Wix website.
Managing and changing themes is actually very easy. Go to Themes> Customize and make a few basic changes. For other options, open information and theme guides for a more in-depth search.
After everything is ready, it's time to migrate Wix to WordPress.
Two ways to migrate Wix to WordPress
There are two ways to transfer your site:
1. Use RSS feeds and copy pasting.2. Use the automatic migration plugin.
Using RSS to Import Wix into WordPress
The first site transfer method you can do is via RSS feed.Keep in mind, this method can only be applied to old versions of Wix blogs. The latest version of the blog does not have an RSS feed. So, if you create a website on the latest version of Wix, then this method cannot be done. Do the next way.
Follow the steps below if you are creating a website on an old version of Wix:
1. Search for RSS Feeds
Open an existing Wix RSS feed. To do this, add ‘/feed.xml’ to the end URL.If your site is mydomain.com, then it will look like this ayamy-domain.com/feed.xml atau, or ‘my-domain.com/feed ’.
This step also shows whether your Wix site currently has an RSS feed or not.
2. Save the RSS File
After opening the RSS feed, right-click on the page and select Save as. Know the browser that is used because you may have to change the name of the file extension so that it can be saved as .txt.Change the file extension to .xml and save it to the desktop.
3. Import to WordPress
Enter the WordPress dashboard and go to Tools> Import.Find RSS importer and click Run Importer.
In the next screen that appears, upload the downloaded RSS file.
After that, check whether your post was uploaded successfully.
Go to Posts> All Posts and check whether the blog post was transferred successfully. Possible format related problems arise and need to be reset, but hopefully all your posts are now on a new blog.
RSS migration will only transfer posts and not site pages. Therefore, if you want to move your site pages, you have to do it manually.
4. Adding Pages to WordPress
In the absence of a method or a direct way to migrate web pages from Wix, then you have to do it the old-fashioned way, namely copy and paste.Open the page on the Wix site and copy the content from that page. Then open WordPress and choose Pages> Add New.
After that, paste (content) the content that you copied to a new page.
Do this one by one until all your pages are on WordPress.
5. Move Image
Migration of the previously mentioned RSS feeds will copy your content but not with images. Images are still stored on the Wix platform.There are two ways to transfer images:
The first way, download each image that is on your Wix site and save it on the computer. Upload the images to WordPress via Media> Add New.
The second way, use the plugin to download and transfer images. This plugin will also download images from Wix, then copy new images to your site, then update the existing image links.
Install the Import External Images plugin. Open Media> Import Images, and click Import Images Now. The plugin will upload images to the library and update the existing image links.
Use the CMS2CMS Plugin to Set the Migration Process to Be Automatic
The CMS2CMS plugin will automatically migrate Wix to WordPress.Even though it is a premium plugin, CMS2CMS can do everything, even the smallest thing, for you. This plugin will complete the migration process in less than 20 minutes.
Follow the steps below to use the CMS2CMS plugin:
1. Install the Plugin
To install the CMS2CMS plugin, enter the WordPress dashboard and open Plugins> Add New. In the search field, type CMS2CMS: Automated Wix to WordPress.Then click Install Now and select Activate.
2. Create an Account
Open the plugin via Plugins> Wix to WordPress.Create a new account or login account (if you have already created an account before).
3. Connect your Wix site
Next, you have to make a connection to the Wix website.Enter the URL of your Wix website and click Verify Connection. Make sure the URL you entered is correct so that the migration is ready.
4. Run the Migration Process
Adjust migration settings. Select the content that you want to move and the content that you want to leave.For an additional fee, you can get migration settings, such as:
* Metadata migration
* Image transfer
* Setup 301 redirects
Click Start Free Demo Migration. You will get a report showing a migration error (if any).
After that, you will see a price list. Here, you can add a migration feature or purchase a migration guarantee if an error occurs during the process.
If you are satisfied with the migration settings and the final price, click Compete Migration.
Migration will begin as soon as payment is processed.
Place Wix into WordPress Migration
Whatever method you choose, there are several things you must do before online your site.Here are four ways to clean your site:
Create a WordPress Menu
The main navigation menu will help site visitors to explore the site.Enter the WordPress dashboard and open Appearance> Menus. Give a name to the menu and click Create Menu. Select any page that you have created via the left hand menu and click Add to Menu. After the menu creation is complete, click Save Menu.
To place a menu on the site, click Manage Locations. Depending on the theme, you will see different locations that you can add to the menu. If you want to display a menu at the top of the site page, then you should label the Main Menu or Header Menu for this option.
Switch Wix Sites to WordPress
Redirect the old Wix site to your latest WordPress site. Thus, when someone tries to access the site, he will be directed to the new site.However, if the Wix site is created on a subdomain, then you cannot activate the redirect or redirect feature. Also, if you use the CMS2CMS plugin and purchase additional redirect features, the switching process will be done automatically.
If you want to redirect, then the first step that must be done is to copy the code below to the text editor option : |
var hashesarr = { "#!about/ghit7”:’/about-us/‘, "#!contact-us/fe37”:’/contact/', “#!dog-article/c6hg”:’/dog-article/' }; for (var hash in hashesarr) { var patt = new RegExp(hash); if (window.location.hash.match(patt) !== null) { window.location.href = hashesarr[hash]; } } |
The first part of the string, "#! About / ghit6" is the old Wix URL, while the second part of the string, about / about / ’is the URL of the new page on WordPress.
Change the parts of the string for each URL that is on the Wix site that you want to move.
Save the file as redirect.js and upload it to the / js / directory on the server.
Edit the functions.php file so that it can run.
Open the functions.php file and add the code below : |
function wpb_wixjs () { wp_enqueue_script( 'wixredirect', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/redirects.js', array(), '1.0.0', true); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_wixjs'); |
Save and upload the latest functions.php file and the redirect is successfully saved.
Set Yoast SEO
If you use the integrated SEO Wix tool, then you should do the same on a new WordPress-based site. Fortunately, WordPress offers a large selection of the best SEO plugins.One of the best SEO plugins is Yoast SEO. This plugin will optimize all posts and pages by targeting certain keywords. In addition, this plugin is also equipped with information related to SEO, for example some things that must be added or subtracted.
Install this plugin via Plugins> Add New and search for Yoast SEO.
Re-check Existing Media and Content
Before online sites, you should first check all media and content because it can appear formatting errors or link errors during the transfer process.Open each page carefully and carefully to check that the look and function of the website is working properly.
Review all pages and posts before publishing. This way, you can detect errors and ensure that the format and appearance are fine when they appear in the window.
Migrating Wix to WordPress is not so easy, but can be overcome by referring to this tutorial.By doing the WordPress Wix migration process, you can more easily control and manage your website and data and ensure the success of your site.
Hopefully through this tutorial, you can be more helped and are no longer confused about migrating Wix WordPress.
Source : https://www.hostinger.co.id/tutorial/migrasi-wix-ke-wordpress